翻訳と辞書 |
Imperial Military Constitution : ウィキペディア英語版 | Imperial Military Constitution The Imperial Military Constitution ((ドイツ語:Reichsheeresverfassung), also called the ''Reichskriegsverfassung'') of the Holy Roman Empire, like the rest of the imperial constitution, grew out of various laws and governed the establishment of military forces within the Empire. It was the basis for the establishment of the Army of the Holy Roman Empire (''Reichsarmee''), which was under the supreme command of the Emperor but was distinct from his Imperial Troops, as it could only be deployed by the Imperial Diet. The last Imperial Defence Order (''Reichsdefensionalordnung''), entitled ''Reichsgutachten in puncto securitatis'', of 13/23 May 1681, completed the military constitution of the Holy Roman Empire.
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